This section is for developers to quickly access answers to frequently asked questions and troubleshoot common issues they may encounter during the build process with Mariana Tek. If you have a question or encounter an issue please be sure to check here first to find the answers you need. Reach out to Integrations for further technical questions.


What is a sandbox on Mariana Tek's platform?

  • A sandbox is a mock studio client that developers can leverage to build and test integrations. The sandbox is a demo environment which is almost identical to the live production environment in appearance and features, and is seeded with sample data. This means there is a tenant name (MT subdomain), sandbox API, and Web Integrations platform associated with the sandbox, the same as a live studio.

    Developers can manipulate sandbox data for their testing needs either programmatically through the sandbox API or using the UI (Admin app). Credentials are needed to access the sandbox data, the same as the live studio account.

What is the Developer Portal?

  • The Developer Portal is a self-service interface designed for developers and development teams which allows you to manage the integrations in your sandbox, generate credentials, initiate a technical review and prepare your app for the live production environment. It is currently in Beta and is not uniformly available yet.

What is the tenant name?

  • The tenant name or MT Subdomain is the name used to identify a specific live studio or sandbox and is required to access the API and set up Web Integrations. The URL needed to access the sandbox API is https://{tenant_name}.marianatek.com/api.

    Note: Sandbox tenants most often include the suffix ".sandbox" as part of the tenant name, i.e. companyname.sandbox. You will receive your tenant name once you get set up as a developer with Mariana Tek and/or receive your sandbox.

What is a one-click-install?

  • A one-click-install is an integration that uses a bundle of credentials which allows us to easily enable it on new studio clients, and ensures compatibility with our future roadmap.

How do I ensure my integration is a one-click-install?

  • Almost all newly created integrations are one-click-installs when using our currently accepted authentication methods - API key and/or OAuth credentials. However, if using MT Webhooks, you must take extra steps on your end to ensure your integration is a one-click-install, as described below.
**The subscriber URLs that you generate to accept MT webhook posts must either be identical across clients or differ ONLY by the MT Subdomain.**
Here's an example of an _acceptable_ subscriber URL for a one-click-install integration:
If a similar convention is not followed, the integration will not be a one-click-intstall and will not be compatible with our future roadmap.


How do I gain access to the sandbox Admin Panel?

  • You will need an account created with a valid email and password to access the Admin App.

  • If you are working directly with a client studio, reach out to your contact at the studio and request them to create an account for you in their Admin App. They would decide whether access is appropriate and the level of your role and permissions.

  • Integration partners will obtain email and password access to their sandbox Admin App during the onboarding/build process with Mariana Tek.

I forgot my sandbox login credentials, what can I do?

  • If you forget your password, please click the reset password link at the bottom of the login page for your sandbox.

Which credentials do I need to access data from the API?

  • To be authenticated to use our APIs, we are now supporting the use of an API Key and/or OAuth access only. To determine which credential is appropriate consider your project structure.

    • OAuth - Applications requiring studio owner or customer login, user scoped views, user profiles, or single sign on capabilities.

    • API Key - Applications requiring app level data manipulations for multiple users, without a specific user's input or login needed.

Does Mariana Tek support Single Sign On (SSO) capabilities?

  • Yes. Request or set up OAuth credentials in your environment, and then build the appropriate OAuth Flow for your application to support SSO. You must provide your redirect URL to Integrations upon making a request for OAuth credentials (or enter it through the Developer Portal).

Why am I getting a Mismatched Redirect URL error with my OAuth flow?

  • The Mismatched Redirect URL error message means that the redirect URL we have registered for your integration does not match the one which it is being presented with during the login flow. These strings must match exactly; the most common issues encountered that cause these errors are: You have not provided a redirect URL for your OAuth flow yet, there is a typo in the redirect URL, there's a trailing backslash on only one URL string, there's an error related to URL encoding, or you have updated your redirect URL and the former one is still registered for your application.

If you are using more than one redirect URL, be sure to include the redirect URL in the request string during your OAuth flow.


How do I get set up to use Mariana Tek Webhooks?

  • Contact Integrations and request a webhooks subscription to your environment. Be sure to include the following when you make your request:

    • Your subscriber URL (Note: This must use https protocol)

    • The webhook event posts you would like to subscribe to

    • The environment you are working in (i.e. the sandbox or production URL)

To set up webhooks for a studio's production environment, you must have approval from the Studio Owner sent to Integrations by email.